Author Archives: yannik
Titan of Braavos v2
While the first version of the Titan was modeled after the image and video material, this version is much closer to the real Titan of Braavos, as seen in the Game of Thrones series. It was printed in 14 parts over 2 days and then assembled. I printed in multiple times, with different Filaments and colors. […]
More InfoMemories Gallery
Android, Firebase and MEAN based university project as part of the course Interactive Media, but thanks to the rest of the development team I don’t have to explain much because it is all nicely wrapped in this video:
More InfoAnkiWear for AnkiDroid
When you start learning something new, like a language, flashcards are very useful. I have used Anki for quite some time now, and since I got my Smartwatch being able to learn my flashcards on it was one of the biggest use-cases for me to have a Smartwatch. The app is now published and can be found […]
More InfoTitan of Braavos
My brother, currently working for a vfx company creating vfx for Game of Thrones, wanted to give his co-worker (who had modeled the Titan of Braavos for half a year) a 3D printed version of the Titan. Here you can see the result: For more information take a look at the thingiverse page:
More InfoMinion that <3 you :)
A little project for Valentines’ Day. Instuctions on how to print and more pictures can be found on thingiverse (see link below)
More InfoSmartCube!
There is an app for everything! But do we really want to use an app to turn on the lights, lower the volume of the radio or change the station? Our team, having already had experience with some of the smart home features, wanted to create a physical device that is capable of giving you […]
More InfoSketchTogether
For everyone who knows Google Docs, the easiest way to describe SketchTogether probably is: It’s like Google Docs, just with a pen. But let’s get a little more into detail. SketchTogether is a real-time collaborative whiteboard cloud service. So you can log on to the website, create a new sketch and share it with others who […]
More InfoPebblocation
Android App as an extension for “Canvas for Pebble” that changes the background of your Pebble smartwach based on your current location.
More InfoVirus Alert! (Game Dev project, summer semester 2012)
The goal of this project was to get a hang of how to use a game engine to quickly develop a multi-platform computer game. The engine that was used is the “Unity Game Engine“, and the programming languages were mostly C# and Javascript The result is a 2.5D Jump ‘n Run with Virus, Internet, Data, […]
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